Celebrating Baby Bo

Warning you now, this is a super long post but such a sweet one!
On August 19th, my amazing friends and family threw Shawn and I the most beautiful baby shower to celebrate Baby Bo that we could have ever dreamed of!  I swear every detail was PERFECT and we are so glad that so many of our friends and family could all get together, and eat some amazing food too!

The BEAUTIFUL hosts, xoxo! I am forever grateful for these ladies!

I wanted our shower in Virginia to be at my parents house, outside-under their string lights, and these girls made that happen.  My cousin Clint, from Your Grate Escape, catered our shower and talk about AMAZING! He did a Pasta Station (ah, the Alfredo sauce was DELICIOUS) for us with Caprese Skewers, Mini Salads, Cheeses, and the most delicious desserts you could imagine-if you haven’t had his brownies, you are missing out!  Our local florist went above and beyond on the flowers used as centerpieces and on my chair as well as the beautiful blue stroller.  One of my favorite touches to the shower was the adorable mini champagne bottles they gave as party favors.  On them they said “Baby Bo is coming, the time is getting near…When you get the big news, POP your bottle and send us a cheer!” So cute and I am hoping to get lots of snaps or selfies of everyone popping their bottles when they hear Bo has arrived!!! We cannot thank everyone who came (and the ones who couldn’t make it) enough for spending the evening with us and bringing Bo a gift or book! He has so many incredible books, including ones that I loved when I was a kid, and we cannot wait to read them to him.  Shawn has already been reading to him and it is moments I will remember forever.

During the baby shower, we were able to sneak some pictures by ourself and with family.  As soon as my mom told me about the shower, I KNEW we had to have Rachel Wells Photography shoot the shower.  Her photography is absolutely gorgeous and I could spend all day scrolling through her pictures.  Not only is she fabulous at what she does, she is also a sweet, sweet momma to two beautiful baby boys (the way she dresses them = perfection), so to have her to ask a million questions to is wonderful.  Rachel will be with us right after Bo is born to shoot his first photos in the hospital and we couldn’t ask for a sweeter soul to share this moment with us.






Dress: Asos | Heels: Asos

Last but not least, wanted to just take a minute and do a quick bump date for y’all!

How far along: 33 Weeks!

When is your due date: October 31st

Name: Boeing Everett Becker

Movement: ALL the time.  Our doctor gave us a “kick count” form to fill out and I think we pretty much filled it out in the first day, hehe.

Belly Button:  I kept saying if I can just make it through our baby moon without it poking out I will be happy!  We have been home over a week and it still isn’t out, so HOPEFULLY it will just stay in!

Cravings:  Sadly, I still haven’t had any cravings.  Thankfully when I am hungry I know what sounds good at that time and try and eat it.  Of course I love donuts but some donuts have been giving me worse heartburn than others, sounds so weird but it’s true.

Size: Bo is the size of a Cauliflower Blossom.  He weighs about 4.5 pounds.

Weight Gain:  Thus far, I have gained about 20 pounds.  When I was 13 weeks pregnant (I had lost weight) I weighed 109 and when I went to the doctor on Tuesday I was 129.3.

Physical Changes:  Other than my SUPER ROUND belly and growing boobs, my body has not changed a whole lot.  Supposedly “from the back I don’t look pregnant.” -Whatever that means, haha!

Nursery: Bo has a nursery at Lake Norman where he will come home to that is completely finished and his nursery in Myrtle Beach where he will eventually go is ALMOST done.  We’re just missing his changing table/dresser and a bookshelf that we ordered from Restoration Hardware.  Other than that, the nurseries are COMPLETE! When we are in Virginia, he will hopefully just sleep in a halo.

What belly butter are you using? Mama Bee Belly Butter

Will you be taking time off: Yes.  Black Friday is my hopeful “back to work” day, IF he comes on October 31st.  I LOVE Black Friday at the store so I hope to be back 100% then, but we will see how that goes.  I will still run the store from Lake Norman and maybe peek in a time or two! Thankfully, I have the best employees so I am not worried about it at all!

Any other questions you all may have, you can possibly find the answers on my 22 Week Bumpdate, found here.  Skin questions, what we have registered for/bought, my workout, etc is all answered there.  Shew, okay, sorry for the picture overload, BUT I JUST COULDN’T CHOOSE A FEW! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!!! The NEXT time I post, BO MAY BE HERE!!! #ITSBOTIME











Bumpdate: 22 Weeks


22 weeks down, 18 to go! I cannot believe almost 6 months have already passed by.  The first 16 weeks were really, really long as I was sick the entire time but now that I feel better, the days just get shorter and shorter and I am ready to skip ahead and he already be here! Shawn and I have been working on his nursery.  We have all of his bedding, ordered his crib which should be here by now, and we have ordered the glider for his nursery.  I am trying to decide on wall decor but I change my mind everyday!  Finding a rug and a light I LOVE has been the hardest part.  I feel like every light I like is just a little too girly soooo-I am trying to find a more masculine light that fits with our theme.  Researching things to register for and following along with other momma bloggers has been one of my favorite parts about this time.  We have had so much fun picking our items for Bo and registering for them, even tho we have NO idea what we are really getting, ha ha.  I know you all are probably so annoyed by all the question on Instagram and Snapchat but I TRULY appreciate it more than you know.  I decided to register us on BabyList as it is easiest for Shawn and I to share the app and do things via long distance rather than actually going to a Target or Babies R Us and registering.  BabyList has actually been helpful in more ways than just registering.  It has a lot of great reads and recommendations so if you are a momma to be, I highly recommend taking a look into registering there!

How far along: 22 Weeks!

When is your due date: October 31st

Name: Boeing Everett Becker

Movement: Yes, the little guy moves like crazy now!  For a while when I would feel him, I wouldn’t be around Shawn, and I didn’t want to say anything away from him because I wanted him to be there when we could both feel him but last week he asked on FaceTime “have you felt him move yet,” and I very shyly said “yesssss.”  It was the weirdest thing because I NEVER have my shirt up and Dolly had wrestled with me and pulled it up, I could literally see my belly moving and his foot, I’m assuming, kicking my stomach out.  It was like Bo knew his daddy was asking about him and talking to him.  I hung up the phone really fast and told him I would call him back so I could record it.  I sent him a couple videos where you could really see Bo moving.  It makes me so sad to have to do it this way and I know it breaks Shawn’s heart not being around for EVERY moment, but it was so sweet that at that moment Bo was saying “hey dad, I’m ready to get out of here and meet you,” he he.

Belly Button:  It isn’t starting to “poke out” yet! I think that is the thing I DREAD the most! OH MY GOSH! I am NOT a belly button person so when/if it does come out, bikini days are OVER for me!

Cravings:  I am finally just now back to eating normal again.  The only thing I like and want more now than usual is crab legs, and I still LOVE Waffle House.  I know Shawn is SO over it but God love him, he still takes me ANYTIME I want to go.  The All-Star breakfast is just…amazing.

Size: Bo is the size of a corn on the cob! He is weighing about 14 oz.

Weight Gain:  I have gained about 4 pounds.  I lost around 10 pounds in the beginning so I am just starting to actually gain weight that was weight I had lost.  My belly is showing and two people asked me when I was due and what I was having without me ever mentioning I was pregnant.  At first (at McAlister’s) it caught me off guard, but the little lady at the nail salon was asking because they have a “mommy pedicure” ha ha, of course I just HAD to get it!

Physical Changes:  My belly is really out after lunch and dinner of course, and I can tell most in a bathing suit.  Other than that not many physical changes.  My breasts have been growing from the very beginning, which I didn’t mind then but now they are getting a little out of control!  They are not sore yet, but my lower back has been KILLING me!

Nursery: We are only working on Bo’s nursery at the lake right now.  I wanted it to be soft and the most beautiful baby blue I could find-which was a bumper set I fell IN LOVE with from Restoration Hardware, to only find out the picture via Pinterest was OVER 4 years old! Ah, I was devastated and finally reached out on Instagram! The sweetest woman in the world commented back that she had the set I was looking for and would sell it to me! Come to find out, she literally lives only an hour away from here! I am blessed to have found her because I absolutely LOVE Bo’s crib accessories and she gave me so many beautiful ideas that she had done in her sons nursery!  Hopefully his crib will be in soon as well as his glider and I can start sharing pictures.  I love how his room sets as you can see the lake from his crib and when you will sit in the glider which I know will be so nice when we are rocking him.

Things we have purchased so far:  We purchased this crib and this glider.

I am IN LOVE with our strollers we got! We purchases this stroller, this carseat, and this stroller.  The Bugaboo stroller is really big, but I cannot WAIT to go shopping with him in it.  I have wanted it since I saw Rachel Parcell (my favorite blogger) with it years ago, so I couldn’t WAIT to get it in!  I do have to say the Rachel Zoe Stroller is a DREAM!  It is so easy to snap together and the colors are PERFECT!  He is going to look so handsome laying there in his little carseat and then it is super easy to pop out of the car and into the stroller plus, we can use both of these strollers for years.

Shawn bought me the LV Neverfull to carry as Bo’s diaper bag but I also ordered this one to match the Rachel Zoe Stroller.

Of course we have picked him up tons of clothes already 🙂 oops-I think he already has more shoes than his daddy but that’s ok!

Since we are between locations, we sadly need more than one of things so we don’t have to pack it all up EVERY time.  We have gotten this wipe warmer, this Rock ‘N Play, and this Baby Einstein Jumper.  We have just picked up these things here and there when we have seen them on sale.

Instagram/Snapchat questions from readers:

Where are we planning on “baby mooning”?
We are planning on going to Bermuda and are veryyyy excited! We are unsure how our honeymoon will play out-my mom says she will watch Bo while we go on a honeymoon, but I mean, can we really leave him at 6 months old?!!! We are going to go over Shawns birthday on our baby moon and I will be 31 weeks pregnant.  Some of you have asked about Zika and traveling then but I have cleared all of these travel plans with our doctor, and if you know Shawn and I-we travel all the time.  If for some reason the time approaches and we do not think it is smart to go, we have insurance so we will just postpone or cancel the trip but as of now, we couldn’t be more excited to get away for a little bit, just us two before we become three!

Are you planning a baby shower for Bo or focusing more on wedding activities?
Before we found out we were pregnant, there were some wedding showers in the planning stages, but once we found out we were having a baby-those all kind of changed as getting things for Bo is much more important to us.  My Virginia family and friends are throwing us a couples shower here, and then our friends in Myrtle Beach plus Shawn’s family are throwing us a shower there-both baby showers.  When the wedding gets closer, Shawn and I may have some type of wedding shower but we really haven’t thought anymore about a wedding shower.

Will you be full time at the lake house?
Bo will be born near my hometown as that is where our doctor is.  Once he is born, we plan on being at the lake house (2.5 hours away) for a little while and finding a pediatrician around Lake Norman.  If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE email them to me as we are in the process of trying to find one now.  If he comes in November, it will be holiday season for me at The Retail Therapist, so I will need to go back to work as soon as possible.  Thankfully Bo can go with me to work but his daddy isn’t going to like that very well so I guess we will see closer to then IF I will go back to work so soon.  Black Friday at The Retail Therapist is one of my favorite evenings so I am hoping to at least be back by then!  I told Shawn that it was typical for dads to take at least 12 weeks off for maternity leave-he thought I was crazy! 🙂

What will happen to the store front once Bo arrives/wedding happens?
This is a question I think about at least 1,000 times a day.  I do not want Bo away from Shawn-heck, I don’t want to ever be away from Shawn, and while we were dating and engaged it wasn’t easy to be away Tuesday-Friday, but we made it work.  With Bo, I have NO idea what is going to happen.  Even being at the lake it’s still 3.5+ hours from Myrtle Beach.  I love my storefront and I love going TO the store and not just fulfilling online orders everyday but thankfully I have amazing employees who I know will help me 100% so I trust in God that he will lead us to the right decision and give us all strength to get through.

What belly butter are you using?
I had so many great recommendations via snapchat! I just so happen to have thought about it tho when I saw this Mama Bee Belly Butter walking through Target so it’s the one I went with.  I like it thus far as it doesn’t have a smell and I am not a scent person.  So in the next bump date I will let you know how it really is.  I have only used it 5/6 times as of today.

Has your skin changed?
My skin has actually not changed, sometimes I feel my arms and legs are dryer, but other than that everything is normal.  My face hasn’t had any breakouts, which I am thankful for.  This may be TMI, but it’s hard not having a period!  I never, ever thought I would say that but sometimes I am like, “dang, it would be nice to have one this month,” ha ha.

How are you feeling?
I am honestly feeling fine, other than my lower back hurting.  My eating habits are back to normal, and I am able to stay up late and wake up as I did before.  I am feeling a little more tired by the evening but Dolly and I will relax or Shawn and I will go out on the boat (on weekends) and I feel great!  I honestly really do feel pretty.  I always thought I would HATE having a bump or Shawn touching it, but sometimes when we are laying on the couch and he isn’t, I find myself thinking “I wish his hand was on my belly,”  maybe that is just because he is so dang sweet it literally makes me love him even more in little moments like that.  I know he is scared to because I have preached for months DO NOT TOUCH MY BELLY, ha ha, but when I am “still sleeping” in the mornings and he is awake I can feel him rub his hand across my belly (hoping I don’t wake up and catch him, lol).  I get so sad when I have to come back home and he goes back to Myrtle Beach because I know the next time I see him, I will be just a little bigger-well, much more noticeable than if he saw me everyday so I send him pictures as often as I can.  He tells me everyday how beautiful I look and that he didn’t know he could love me anymore than seeing me carrying our child.  I am sure most men feel this way-but to really experience that yourself is very magical.

What kind of workouts did you do pre-Bo and now with Bo on the way?
I hate to say this, but I hate to work out, I think because I am so active running around the store during the day, that is how I stayed small? I couldn’t tell you the last time I went to the gym, and I really do not eat that healthy.  I know all of this is going to catch up with me, but I have always just had a fast metabolism and only eat in moderation.  I eat many times a day, but they are not HUGE meals.  Now that Bo is on the way, I do not us the “eating for two” motto.  I enjoy food like I used to, now, but I do not overdo it. Because my stomach is small, it gets full really fast-so I still continue to eat many times a day, just smaller amounts.  I know after he is born it will be crunch time as I will have SIX MONTHS to get back in my wedding gown!

Are you wearing maternity clothes?
I am not.  I am going to try to avoid maternity clothes period and style cute, boutique clothes.  Hopefully I will be able to give other mamas ideas, especially the ones who are not fond of maternity clothes.  I can still fit in my small dresses and some things that come in for the store that I love I will keep in a small to wear next year or if I want to wear it in the weeks to come, I will get a medium.  Truly just depends on the individual piece.  When fall comes-I will just wear a lot more leggings and piko tops!

What are you most scared of?
LABOR! I do not tolerate pain very well, so I am SCARED of that-and breast feeding/trying to make the best decision for US.  I was not breast fed, nor my brother-and we are fine but I feel as a new mom it’s what I am supposed to do.  I do not know anything about babies, feeding them, holding them, etc. and with all the traveling we will do and with both of us being business owners-the responsibility and commitment I have read about it totally stresses me out!  If any of you moms have any advice or reccomendaions-please leave it on todays Instagram photo or DM me! I would LOVE to know your experiences!!!

How is Shawn? Does he act different?
Shawn is SO excited.  Bless his heart.  Because I was so sick and upset for many weeks, he held in all of his excitement but now we talk about baby things ALL the time.  Of course he is ecstatic we are having a little boy and is already planning all of their off shore fishing trips, etc.

He doesn’t act any different really other than he is more cautious on the boat, or driving, and going certain places.  For a while he wouldn’t do things we used to do until one night I was like “FOR LORD SAKES, I AM GOING  TO GO TO WAHOOS AND SIT AT THE BAR BY MYSELF AND DRINK A STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRI (virgin) AND JUST BE NORMAL! YOU HAVE JUST QUIT LIVING AND ACT LIKE WE HAVE TO STAY HOME 24/7! THAT IS NOT US, are you coming or not?!” And since then, we have been back to our normal selves, thankfully!!! He is so good to me, to us, and I just really couldn’t be more thankful.  A time I thought I would never want has really changed our relationship for the better.  I loved him when met him-I am in love with him-but now that love is even more.  I can’t wait to see how it will change in the next 3+ months.




Baby Bo

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21

To say that this past year has been crazy is an understatement.  On December 10th, 2016, Shawn and I got engaged in my favorite city, New York City, and it was nothing short of a fairytale (you can read about that here).  I still think back to one of our first weekends together.  Shawn and I went on a lunch date and there, he told me there was a possibility that he would never be able to have children.  I think he thought I would not be interested in him anymore, but that was the furthest thing from the truth. I told Shawn that I wasn’t going to let a doctor control our future and if we were meant to have babies one day, we would.  There was no way I wasn’t going to love him the rest of my life.  On March 5th, we found out we were expecting a beautiful baby and on April 13th, we found out we are having a baby boy, Boeing Everett Becker, “Bo.”


Photography by Pasha Belman | Styling by Stunning & Brilliant Events | Gown: Sherri Hill

My entire life, I was always the girl who wanted a career.  Sure, I loved to love, but I loved fashion and my dream of one day owning a store more than I actually loved the idea of one day getting married and settling down to have my own family.  That was all until Shawn came into my life.  I knew right away that I was completely in love with him and I could remember telling my mom and brother (who knew how I felt about having my own children) that if I ever did have kids, I would want them to be just like Shawn Becker.  Shawn and I would discuss our future family and even make jokes about our sweet little “Bo” (if you remember from our engagement post, we got engaged on Bow Bridge) or “Bernie” (our future daughter-ps. this is NOT the name we would really name her).

After we got engaged, the wedding planning started.  I knew I wanted Pasha Belman to be our photographer and he was already booked for this spring, I wanted a Spring wedding, so we decided to wait until Spring of 2018 to get married, so we could have him.  We had booked our venue, our quartet, our photographer, and our engagement pictures when I thought I was coming down with the flu.  My body was aching and I couldn’t eat anything.  That was very rare for me as I do not go an hour without eating.

Shawn and his dad were working on the lake house and I spent the weekend in the hotel making a few stops by the house to see the progress.  Brennan and mom were going to SouthPark on that Saturday so I decided to meet them.  There, I could barely walk around and felt worse as the day went on so I headed back to Lake Norman to our hotel to call it a day.  On Sunday, I still wasn’t feeling any better.  Mom was heading back to Tazewell from my brother’s so I had her bring me some Phenegran by the hotel.  I can remember saying to her “If I am not better tomorrow, I am going to go to Dr. Shrader (our family physician) tomorrow.  Earlier that day, I stopped by Target (self checkout) to get a couple pregnancy tests JUST in case.  Mom headed home and I told Shawn I was going to take a bath.  He had NO idea I was going to take a test until I came running out of the bathroom minutes later, bawling crying that I had taken a pregnancy test and it said I was pregnant.  Bless his heart he JUMPED out of the hotel bed and just held me.  I know he was so excited as he has wanted children for a long time…I look back and think “wow, how lucky am I to have a man in my life who sets his feelings and anxiety aside just to make me feel like everything will be ok?”  I literally just kept saying “oh my gosh I cannot believe this is happening.” I kept saying over and over “but we aren’t married.”

I have tried very hard my whole life to be a role model and live a life that not only my parents would be proud of but other parents would want their daughters to look up to so to say I was disappointed in myself would be an understatement.  I want you to understand when I say disappointed, I was disappointed in myself that we didn’t take ALL of the precautions that we should have before getting married, NOT disappointed that we are actually having a baby. Any plans we had made, well-you know the saying you can make plans but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.  Boy did his purpose prevail.

I immediately told Shawn I HAVE TO CALL MY MOM.  She was only an hour or so down the road.  So I gave her a call, still crying.  It went something like “Hey mom, can you pull over, I have something to tell you…I took a pregnancy test and it says I’m pregnant…” DROPPED CALL.  She called me back a few minutes later…she had heard what I said but OUR PHONES DROPPED THE CALL WHEN SHE WENT THROUGH THE TUNNEL IN VIRGINIA! I just knew she was SO upset, I figured she would start screaming at me, but she didn’t, instead she kept saying “oh my gosh, Whit, this is FANTASTIC, I am so excited, this is such a miracle, oh my gosh!”  I kept asking, “WHY ARE YOU SO EXCITED?!”  I didn’t understand her excitement and I think I actually wanted her to yell and scream at me.

I made Shawn immediately take me to Concord to my brother’s so I could tell him.  I wanted somebody to be upset with me.  Brennan goes, “that would be really cool if it’s true but I know it isn’t because you don’t even want kids,” haha.  SO he and Shawn made me take another test and sure enough, it read PREGNANT.  I then Facetimed my dad to tell him and he was equally as excited.  Now looking back, I wish I had told them in a “cooler” way, but we are so close, there is no way I couldn’t not tell them immediately.

The next morning, Shawn had to head back to Myrtle and I drove home to Tazewell.  He wanted me to go back to Myrtle with him but I needed to be alone with all of these “baby” thoughts and start believing that this is really happening.  On the way home, I scheduled an appointment with an OBGYN in Lake Norman as I thought that would be better for Shawn to make the appointments and in 8 or so months, we would be “living” at our lake home.

As the days went on, I had morning sickness but it lasted the entire day and evening.  By Thursday of that week, I could barely keep down water so I decided to contact one of our local OBGYN’s and I couldn’t be more thankful we did.  I told mom the minute we left his office, I was canceling our appointment in NC, that we had found our doctor.  He did an ultrasound to make sure the baby was OK and we got to hear the heartbeat, which was pretty incredible.  We are truly blessed to have such a caring doctor.  Dr. Edwards started me on Diclegis right away and it wasn’t for about 5 more weeks that I could finally start to eat a little more.  I tried EVERYTHING that Google said to try for morning sickness and nothing worked.  Literally, for 3 weeks it was a miracle for me to get out of bed and brush my teeth.  Lemonade and Pineapple were the ONLY things I could keep down and around week 9, I was finally able to go to restaurants and eat basic things and by basic I mean Hardee’s egg biscuits and cheese fries, haha.

I think during those weeks that I could barely get out of bed, not only did I have morning/all day sickness working against me, I literally was still in SHOCK as to what was about to happen not only in the next 9 months, but in the next year and a half.  We are remodeling our lake home, starting to build our first home, running different businesses in two different states, planning a wedding, AND NOW BRINGING A LITTLE ONE INTO THIS WORLD.

Around week 8 when I could be at work for longer than 3 hours, I began thinking of what life will really be like with a long distance relationship and a new baby.   I am not ready to “quit working.”  Stress had set in when thinking how fast October will come, and then April, but I know one thing for sure, Shawn Becker will be the most AMAZING father in the entire world.  He already is.  He is such a good man and assures me everything will be ok.  His excitement had started to rub off on me since we were telling a few more people and they were sharing their excitement with us. For months, I literally only wanted our immediate family knowing.

On April 7th, Shawn, mom, and I went back to Dr. Edwards for a 10 week checkup.  Shawn got to see our little nugget and his smile was something I will never ever forget as long as I live.  Our little baby had it’s leg kicked up in the air (mom says that’s because I always have to have my feet propped up lol).  They had to do blood work on me and we asked to find out the sex of our baby.  Of course I wanted a girl and Shawn wanted a boy but the truth is as long as it’s healthy, we didn’t care what we were having.

April 13th, I got a text from Dr. Edwards saying “Congratulations on finding out what the baby is”–I couldn’t call him fast enough!  My app wouldn’t load so I immediately said “what are we having?????”  “It’s a BOY!!!!”  Of course it’s a boy!  Shawn has gotten EVERYTHING he’s wanted this year, haha (a little inside joke), and Bo will be arriving around the end of October.  His name, Boeing is for the love of planes that Shawn and Brennan have and Everett is Shawn’s middle name.

To say that my mom has been amazing is an understatement.  She has literally taken on cleaning my house, my laundry, and hers, plus my brother’s apartment/laundry, running her business as well as The Retail Therapist and Beach Therapy, AND taking care of me being sick everyday, cooking me breakfast in the morning-at my apartment, bringing me lunch and dinner, as well as taking care of my dad who is in stage 4 kidney failure.  We found out my dad was really sick about the same time I found out that I was pregnant, and I think this is actually giving my mom and dad both something to look forward to.  We HAVE to get my daddy better because 1. he has to teach Bo how to play football and 2.  I have to have my daddy walk me down the aisle.  Plus, it has given mom something to take her mind off of all the stress with dad’s doctors appointments and waiting for a transplant.  It is amazing the mom she has been to me the past 26  years, but the mom she is now is amazing.  I literally look at her when she’s driving us down the road or sitting with me at doctor appointments or just eating pizza with me, because it’s the only thing that tastes good right now, and I am like, “If I am HALF the mom my mom has been to Brennan and I…”  This child we are bringing into the world is SO blessed to have so many incredible people in his life, but to have my mom love and help mother him will be the biggest blessing of all.

To my sweet brother, I am not sure where to begin.  You have been the BEST!!! As you said you “will be the best uncle EVER” and you are certainly right about that.  Little Bo will get to see Disney World a lot because of you and if I could wish he would grow up and be like anyone in this great big world, it is you.

To my TRT ladies, I couldn’t do it without you.  I KNOW I say this all the time, but I couldn’t.  I have asked my sweet Susan EVERY question imaginable, as she is SUPER GRANDMA, and is so honest and sweet with me.  She knew how I felt from almost the minute I found out I was pregnant and has been so comforting and supportive since day one.  Vicki- you have been such a stable rock, understanding where I was coming from, yet praising where we are and truly taking care of the store and its needs as if it were your own, including working longer hours than you signed up for. And to my sweet Victoria, this baby is going to be so blessed to get to be loved by you.  You are so sweet and patient with everyone and I am blessed to have you take care of the tanning salon as you do.  I will never be able to express just how thankful I am for each of you.

Since finding out what we are having, it has been fun shopping a little for him.  With every little outfit I see, I wonder what Bo is going to look like, what is he going to be like.  I wonder what kind of mom I will be, HOW will I be with him? I’ve never even held a baby that I can recall so this will all be very new to me.

A few weekends ago mom and I picked him up his first Christmas onesie and we have gotten him some of the most adorable outfits at Janie and Jack, oh my gosh I LOVE that store!  Of course we couldn’t leave the store without an airplane sweater and bowtie from uncle/brother Brennan (that is what Dolly “calls” him). My dad has bought Bo a Harley Davidson onesie and a “Born A Hokie” t-shirt.  I am not sure daddy Shawn approves of that one but lets be real, he’s a divided baby, haha-Go Hokies!

At first I would question, why, how, why now? and I have been so afraid of what people would think.  I can remember laying in bed, upset, talking to Shawn (and mom) about the show Teen Mom and they were both like “For God Sakes Whitney, you are 25 going on 26, not 15! We both have jobs, we are in love, this is the best thing to happen to us…you can do this! Truth is WE can do this.”

It has been so hard keeping this off of social media and just between immediate family for a while.  There are so many times I wanted to ask you all questions, ask for help, or just reach out to all of you wonderful mamas out there.  I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support over the years.  I am not sure how we will approach motherhood and sharing Bo with this world, but keeping him from you all though the first trimester was way to hard!

I am now 16 weeks and cannot believe just how fast time is flying.  I know when this little baby firsts kicks, and I am able to first hold him, every fear and every doubt will go away. Sometimes, one thing can just change the course of your whole life and luckily for me, in this next year, we will welcome sweet baby Bo and I get to marry the man of my dreams.

Here’s a little rundown of my first trimester:

How far along:  16 weeks this week!

Gender: Boy

Size: Hass Avocado

Due Date: October 31st-Halloween!

Sickness: All day morning sickness from about 9 a.m. and lasts till I literally fall asleep.  I have been exhausted since before I even knew I was pregnant and have had really bad headaches. The headaches were the worst around week 13-15.  I am currently still on Diclegis but I tried going a week without it and was sick 24/7 again.

Advice for Sickness: Sea Bands, Sour Patch Kids, Peppermint Gum

Cravings:  The first 10 weeks, I could only drink lemonade and eat pineapple after 2 p.m.  Crackers did not help me at all and sprite was the WORST thing to drink, still is.  When I started feeling better, I wanted sandwiches-ham of course, but you cannot eat deli meat unless “heated” soooo.  I couldn’t drink coke for the first 11 weeks, but around week 12 I was able to have half of one, and then would only drink a little in the morning to get me going.  I still drink a lot of lemonade as well as blue powerade-ON ICE.

Aversions: Bananas, Captain Crunch Cereal, Sloppy Joes

Weight Gain: I lost about 9+ pounds with my sickness, but I have started to gain it back now that I can eat.  I am still not really showing.


Wedding Wednesday

Sweatshirt, Leggings, Shoes

Happy Wednesday!  Through this wedding planning process I wanted to be able to document weekly what’s going on and help you in any way I can by starting a series called Wedding Wednesday, (original right-hehe).  Here I will be answering any questions you all may have AND asking you all for help and advice.  Yes, we are OVER a year out, but things get pretty hectic having a long distance engagement, remodeling a house, and running two businesses now, I have been trying to do as much as I can.

On January 7th, Shawn, his mom, my mom, Brennan, and myself went and looked at some venues in Myrtle Beach, SC.  I have always wanted a spring wedding, and this spring was just too soon-so I knew 2018 dates would book up pretty fast as we both wanted a Saturday wedding, and April 28th, 2018 just had a ring to it.  So many people recommend Charleston to have our wedding, and while we think Charleston is GORGEOUS, it just isn’t us.  IF we were going to have a “destination” wedding, Charleston is not where we would have chosen.  I LOVED Palmetto Bluff and a small place in Okatie, SC but we knew no one down there and I was really scared to do everything via email/phone as we couldn’t just run down there to look at linens or flowers in a day.  So, we decided to look around the Myrtle Beach area.  We looked at Brookgreen Gardens,  Caledonia (which is GORGEOUS) and Debordieu.  We fell in LOVE with Debordieu and felt as if that is where we would get married-I had even emailed the Planner there and had her send over a contract. A week or so went on and things were just not coming together.  If we were getting married outside, we’d have to have a tent, extension cords, chandeliers, chairs, furniture, stages, tables, plates…you name it, we’d have to have it.  As amazing as I want our wedding to be, everything just added up WAY too fast.  In the mean time, I wanted to try on a few dresses before we went to my appointment at Kleinfields in NYC.  My grandmothers name was Winnie, and my mom saw there was a Winnie Couture in Charlotte, so we decided to go there.  WOW-the gowns were GORGEOUS and the customer service was the BEST I had ever had, anywhere.  My appointment was at 11 am and at around 3:30 I said YES to my dream dress.  I had tried to fight it because I couldn’t wait to go to NYC and find my dress there, but I LOVED this dress SO much, I just couldn’t NOT get it.

The day before we went to try on dresses,  Shawn had suggested we just go look at Trump National in Charlotte.  I assumed it would be way out of our price range but I went ahead and emailed their coordinator to see if we could tour Trump National that Saturday at around 5.  She had an event there that night, but was more than happy to show us around.  SO, after I said YES to my dress, we headed to meet Shawn and headed over to Trump National.   Pulling in, there was a sense of peacefulness.  We met Elana at the door and walked into the most GORGEOUS cocktail area overlooking the lake.  Now, you all KNOW Shawn and I love the lake, so at that moment, we were sold.  MONTHS ago, before Shawn and I even got engaged, my mom and brother texted us a picture of Trump National Charlotte while we were on the lake and said THIS is where y’all will get married.  Little did we know then, that is EXACTLY where we are getting married on Saturday, April 28, 2018.

This was just another guide from God.  Through trying to pick our location, he was guiding us the ENTIRE way and we couldn’t be more thankful or blessed our location just fell into place-as did my gown and our wonderful relationship.

Once we set the location, we booked our photographer, which has been my DREAM photographer for as long as I can remember-I couldn’t wait to become a Pasha Belman Bride.  We have been back and forth with booking a band.  We love country music AND rap-and I want them to sing our first dance song, father/daughter, and mother/son songs.  We LOVE to dance, so this is a VERY important part to us.  Tonight, we are going to Charlotte to listen to a 12-piece band to see if we would like them for our wedding.  I am pretty excited as it’s rare you get to actually SEE the band play before your wedding, LIVE!

In the next couple of weeks we hope to book our band, and our Videographer.  We have met with a florist and an event rental company for furnishings, etc. but I am not sure if it’s THE one we will go with.  We have a local planner here, Susan, who plans weddings around my hometown and she does an amazing job. PLUS, she is one of my FAVORITE people in the world, so we are lucky to have her be apart of our special day.  Through Trump National-we have three planners that will coordinate things that are going on around Lake Norman, but I wanted someone locally I could depend on to help with the smaller-important details like save the dates, invitations, decor help, etc.

I look forward to taking you all along this journey and please, if you have any questions or need any recommendations, please let me know!  This process is hard and planning a wedding is NOT cheap.  Good Lord I had no idea anything with the word “wedding” attached-you might as well add 50% to the price.

Even though I have found my wedding dress, I am still looking for a reception gown as we will be leaving on a boat-soooo, I do NOT want to ruin my wedding dress and I have been known to fall in the lake a time or two, fully clothed-haha.  Of course I still have to get my wedding shoes, and my sweet, sweet brother offered to buy my shoes.  I need a platform, and I am not a fan of the Louboutin platforms so these are the ones that
I like but not sure which ones I will get yet!

Y’all know we have to have about 100 white dresses/outfits to wear for showers, parties, etc.
So here are some of my favorites, I ordered the two pants outfits and one of the dresses so far:

THIS is the wedding planning book I have.  I have also linked some of my
favorite wedding books I currently have been using below:


Drinks By The Beach In February

Well hello there y’all!  Ah, it is so good to be BACK!  Life has been CRAZY since we got engaged.  We are getting ready for Spring at The Retail Therapist, planning a wedding, AND opening a tanning salon, Beach Therapy, hopefully in the next WEEK, yay!  We set our date for April 28, 2018, and you are probably thinking, “wow, why so far from now?” But for us, life doesn’t go on when we get married-someones life completely changes aka mine, as we currently live 6.5-7 hours away from each other and one of us has to relocate for at least a couple more days than we get to see each other now. Plus, I wanted a Spring wedding (most vendors I wanted were booked this April), and a summer at our lake house with NOTHING to do but to enjoy the lake, as it is our favorite thing to do.  With that being said, we set a date, found a venue, booked our photographer, and I found my wedding gown.  Shawn and I have also met with florists and my mom, brother, and I have been working with a wedding planner, my dear Susan who I am THRILLED that she is able to be a huge part of our big day.  When March rolls around, the store gets SUPER busy until the end of December and the more I get done now, the less I have to when it is harder to just up and run to Lake Norman on a Wednesday to look at the venue, meet with vendors, or check out bands for our wedding.

Anyways, I get my hair done in Myrtle Beach so I had to throw in a quick trip to South Carolina to see my sweetheart and get my hair “did,” you know?!  Saturday, Shawn wanted to “ride around to get a glass of Sangria and some appetizers.” We found ourselves in Litchfield at The Litchfield Inn hotel bar, Austin’s maybe?  We love “local” places, and everyone in there was 60+, but we had a beautiful view and cold drinks so we could not have been happier.  Since I haven’t been able to get my hair done in 6+ weeks (I normally go every 4 weeks), hats have been my everyday go to accessory and I LOVED that I had brought this one last minute as the weather was over 70 degrees on Saturday!  By the beach it was a little chilly so I am glad I had this scarf to throw around my arms.  I HATE blanket scarves because they’re SO thick to wear like a scarf, but I like them just casually thrown around like I did here.

Outfit Details:
Pink Top, Jeans, Scarf, Hat, Booties, Purse, Lipliner, Lipstick, Curling Iron

Thank you all so much for bearing with me and continuing to follow me through this crazy thing called life! I promise not to leave y’all AGAIN! 🙂 Let me know what you think of my new blog layout?!  I am really proud of it!  Also, let me know what y’all want me to blog about and/or if you have any wedding planning questions thus far! I will try my best to share our experiences with you!

Outfit Details:
Pink TopJeansScarfHatBootiesPurseLiplinerLipstickCurling Iron

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